Here we are going to cover about SAP APO, which is one the module available in SAP SCM module. Full form of APO is Advanced Planning and Optimization. In this SAP APO tutorial, we are going to provide an introduction about APO & PDF training materials for your reference. All you know that SCM module is for dealing with company’s Supply chain. SAP APO is used for optimizing logistics processes.
SAP APO supports the following functionalities
- Intercompany communication for better planning
- Relationship with customers & partners maintenance
- Logistic partner collaboration from order to shipping
- Ongoing optimization of the logistic network

Components of SAP APO module
Demand planning: It forecast the demand and helps the organization to plan according to that.
Supply networking planning: It optimized the purchasing, production, distribution & transportation processes to meet demand forecast & actual demands.
Production planning and detailed scheduling: It decided production planning and scheduling according to the planning-relevant events. By default SAP provides some standard planning procedures for some common scenarios.
Global available-to promise: Shortly known as GATP. Used for better customer service. GATP is like promising to customer demands based on some predefined availability checks on your existing stocks.
Table Fields with APO data
Here is a list of possible table fields which are may be used for storing APO related data in SAP.
- APO_ID – APO Integration: Campaign ID in APO
- SDPAPO – Distinction Between SDP-APO and Standard APO
- APO_INT_REL – MILL: APO Integration Supported as of APO Release
- IAPOFT – CMC: Activate Fine-Tuning for APO Orders
- RAPORW – CMC: Read APO-Based Refurbishment Orders
- TRGUID – ATP: GUID for Relevant Transaction in APO Server
- ATP_PROFILE – ATP Profile (Reference Customizing for ATP Control in APO)
- CRESC_DAYM – Transfer Resource to APO: Gen. Time Period Ext. Cap. in Past
- CRESC_DAYP – Transfer Res. to APO: Gen. Time Period Ext. Cap. in Future
- CRESC_DEFM – Transfer Resource to APO: Resource Type (Multi)
- CRESC_DEFS – Transfer Resource to APO: Resource Type (Single)
- CRESC_EXTO – Resource Transfer to APO: Use External Capacity
- CRESC_MODE – Resource Transfer to APO: Change Transfer Mode
- CRESC_SYNC – Resource Transfer to APO: Immediately or Periodically
- APORL – Release Level of APO System
- PUBTYPE – APO Order Category
- APOKZ – Indicator: Is material relevant for APO
- VENLOCTYPE – APO location type for vendors
- SEGMENT – Segment Number for Integration Model APO Interface