SAP QM-PT application component stands for Quality Planning. It is coming under the QM module (Quality Management). Here is a quick overview tutorial about its sub modules, transaction codes and tables.

Here is the list of sub components coming under the SAP QM-PT application component
- HLA0009541 -> QM-PT -> Quality Planning
- HLA0006200 -> QM-PT-BD -> Basic Data
- HLA0001801 -> QM-PT-BD-CAT -> Catalog
- HLA0001802 -> QM-PT-BD-ICH -> Inspection Characteristic
- HLA0001803 -> QM-PT-BD-IMT -> Inspection Method
- HLA0001800 -> QM-PT-BD-MM -> Material Master
- HLA0006202 -> QM-PT-BD-SPL -> Samples and SPC
- E360000021 -> QM-PT-CP -> Control Plan
- AER0000051 -> QM-PT-FA -> Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
- HLA0006201 -> QM-PT-IP -> Inspection Planning
- HLA0006210 -> QM-PT-RP -> QM Control in Logistics
- HLA0001806 -> QM-PT-RP-PRC -> QM Control in Procurement
- HLA0001807 -> QM-PT-RP-SD -> QM Control in Sales and Distribution
SAP QM-PT (Quality Planning) TABLES
Here is a list of sample 15 tables coming under QM-PT component. Full list will be available from the mentioned link after this list.
- QPCPD_ITEM — Item of Control Plan
- QPCPC_OBJ — Customizing Table for the Objects
- QMIPD_SPECMATLOG — Status of Synchr. Between Inspection Plan and Specification
- QPCPD_CPLAN — Control Plan – Header
- TQ02 — QM system definition
- TQ72T — Texts for type of share calculation
- QPAC — Inspection catalog codes for selected sets
- TQ17 — Defect classes
- TQ09 — QM: agreement of QM document types
- QDSAT — Sampling Type: Texts
- QPSTT — Texts for control chart tracks
- QPCPC_PLANTYPE — Customizing Table for Control-Plan Type
- TQ75F — Field names for QM formulas
- QMIPD_SPECIP_MAT — Mapping Table Between Inspection Plan and EHS Specification
- QPMK — Inspection characteristic master
- View full list of SAP QM-PT Tables with details
SAP QM-PT (Quality Planning) TCODES
See some sample transaction codes used with SAP QM-PT sub module. I have added Full list with details in another tutorial (see the link after this list).
- QS29 — Maintain characteristic number range
- QDA1 — Edit sampling type
- QV52 — Change control for QM in SD
- QV11 — Create technical delivery terms
- OQ49 — Routing matchcode
- QS26 — Display characteristic use
- QPCP_NUM — Number Range for Control Plan
- QS4A — Display catalog
- QV01 — Create quality assurance agreement
- QI07 — Incoming insp. and open pur. orders
- QM_FMEA_RESIDENCE — FMEA: Determine Residence Duration
- QS47 — Central replacement of code groups
- QP12 — Change reference operation set
- PLMC_FMEA_SFAC_FMA — Field Selection FMEA
- QDM1 — Edit valuation mode
- View full list of SAP QM-PT transaction codes with details