SAP Funds Management in PSM (PSM-FM) Component Details & Tutorials

SAP PSM-FM sub module is an application component stands for Funds Management in PSM. It is coming under the PSM module (Public Sector Management). Here is a quick overview tutorial about its sub modules, transaction codes and tables for your training purpose.

SAP PSM-FM module


Here is the list of sub components coming under the SAP Funds Management in PSM application component with the package name they belong to.

  1. I150004901 → PSM-FM → Funds Management
  2. ALN0000194 → PSM-FM-BCS → Budget Control System
  3. ALN0000196 → PSM-FM-BCS-AC → Availability Control
  4. ALN0000195 → PSM-FM-BCS-BU → Budgeting
  5. PLN0000081 → PSM-FM-BL → Budgetary Ledger
  6. I150004903 → PSM-FM-BU → Budgeting and Availability Control
  7. KI48000002 → PSM-FM-BU-AC → Availability Control
  8. KI48000001 → PSM-FM-BU-BF → Basic Functions of Budgeting
  9. KI48000003 → PSM-FM-BU-CE → Unilateral and Reciprocal Cover Eligibility
  10. I150004910 → PSM-FM-BU-RB → Revenues Increasing the Budget
  11. I150004907 → PSM-FM-CL → Closing Operations
  12. KI48000007 → PSM-FM-DE → Special Function Public Sector Germany
  13. I150004908 → PSM-FM-IS → Information system
  14. I150004902 → PSM-FM-MD → Master Data
  15. I150004904 → PSM-FM-PO → Funds Management-Specific Postings
  16. KI48000006 → PSM-FM-PO-CA → Cash Desk
  17. KI48000004 → PSM-FM-PO-EF → Earmarked Funds and Funds Transfers
  18. KI48000005 → PSM-FM-PO-RE → Request
  19. I150004905 → PSM-FM-UP → Actual Update and Commitment Update
  20. ALN0000192 → PSM-FM-US → Special Functions for the US Federal Government

SAP PSM-FM (Funds Management in PSM) TABLES

Here is a list of sample 15 tables coming under PSM-FM component. Full list will be available from the mentioned link after this list.

  1. PSO53 → Define Petty Amount Limits
  2. FMSPLIT_VALUES → Assignment field values for Rule-Based Account Distribution
  3. FMCOBJH → Zuordnung Betragsobjekte (Head)
  4. FMGRPT → Grouping Text
  6. FMMDSUBDIVT → Define Substrings of FM Master Data
  7. FMMIGPAR → Partially Migrated Documents
  8. KNEA → Assign Bank Details and Payment Methods to Revenue Type
  9. FMTC_PMT_TYPE → Pmt Method mapped to the Pmt Type(s) / Codes for US Fed
  10. FMBLEXTEA → Substitute BL Doc Types for Earmarked Funds
  11. FMAVCBUDFILTH → AVC filter settings for FM budget values: header entries
  12. PSO07 → Assign Revenue Type/Commitment Item
  13. TBKS → Super region
  14. FMFGRODEF → Define Reimbursable Orders
  15. FMHIEHEADERS → Hierarchy Nodes: Constant Parts (“Headers”)
  16. View full list of SAP PSM-FM Tables with description

SAP PSM-FM (Funds Management in PSM) TCODES

See some sample transaction codes used with SAP PSM-FM sub module. I have added Full list with details in another tutorial (see the link after this list).

  1. FFCD → Cash deconcentration
  2. FMJ_DISPLAY → Display FM Commt Carryforward Docs
  3. FM9M → FM: Delete Budget Structure
  4. FMIF → Correction report for RIB-FB
  5. F857 → Accounts to be Proposed: Requests
  6. S_KI4_55000037 → IMG Activity: _ISPSDE_F869
  7. FM79 → Grouping Chars for Cover Pool
  8. S_KI4_55000142 → IMG Activity: _ISPSFM_OF28
  9. F854 → Assign Company Code Groups (FM)
  10. FMBPLOGSHOW_BCS → Display Retraction Log
  11. S_KI4_55000056 → IMG Activity: _ISPSDE_FMGS
  12. /SAPF15/TVSL → F15 VSL’s
  13. FM9P → Reconstruct Budget Distrbtd Values
  14. S_KI4_55000135 → IMG Activity: _ISPSDE_F851
  15. FMYC02 → Reassignment for canceling Funds
  16. View full list of SAP PSM-FM tcodes with details