Maintenance task list are those list of maintenance activities in the particular order that it has to be carried out constantly. SAP Plant Maintenance task lists may be used in planned as well as on-going maintenance. In both of them, the maintenance planning would be different.
In order to use the SAP PM task list for the preventive or planned maintenance, proper task list need to be assigned to the maintenance items. All technical items run the maintenance as scheduled in the task plan as the time is calculated by the system as per the task list.

For on-going maintenance, the operation in the task list can easily be transferred to orders automatically.
There are three types of distinguishable task list:
- General Maintenance task list
- Functional location task list
- Equipment task list
SAP Maintenance Task list Transaction Codes
Important transaction codes dealing with Maintenance Task list in SAP PM.
- SchedMan: Task List Maintenance (SCMATP)
- Change General Maintenance Task List (IA06)
- Document PRT – Maintenance Task List (OPGN)
- Material PRT – Maintenance Task List (OPGP)
- Define Task as General Task (/SRMERP/WF_GEN)
- Define Task as General Task (/SAPSRM/WF_GEN)
- List of control charts for task list (OQI6)
- General Task Maintenance (PFTC)
- Task Maintenance -> Dummy Screen (PFTC_STR)
- Task Type Maintenance (OXT5)
- Task Sequence Maintenance (OXT6)
- Task Type Maintenance (OXTEXT)
- Task Type Maintenance (OXTTASK)
- Cost Maintenance Task Lists (IA16)
- Print Maintenance Task Lists (IA17)
- Equipment PRT-Maintenance Task Lists (OPGO)
- Misc. PRT – Maintenance Task Lists (OPGQ)
- Task List Run Monitor (STC02)
- System Administration: Task List (SYSADM_TASK)
- All Task List Changes for Change No. (S_ALR_87012988)
- Create Equipment Task List (IA01)
- Change Equipment Task List (IA02)
- Display Equipment Task List (IA03)
- Display PM/SM Task List (A,E,T) (IA04)
- Create general task list (IA05)
- Display General Task List (IA07)
- Create FunctLoc Task List (IA11)
- Change FunctLoc Task List (IA12)
- Display FunctLoc Task List (IA13)
- Task List Original Change Docs (IA15)
- Evaluate Task List Change Documents (IA21)
- Material Where-Used List: Task Lists (IP62)
- Object Overview Equip.Task List (OILD)
- Task List (Mul.lev.) – ObjectDepend. (OIS4)
- List of PM task lists (OIWO)
- List Task Lists (M.-Lev.) Eqpmt Data (OIBC)
- List Task Lists (M.-Level) Loc. Data (OIBD)
- Task List Status (OIL1)
- Standard Task List Usage (OIL2)
- Task List Number Ranges (OIL4)
- Standard Task List Matchcode (OILG)
- List Task Lists (M.-Level) – Header (OIRT)
- List Task Lists (M.-Lev) – Operation (OIRU)
- List Task Lists (M.-Lev.) – Sub-Optn (OIRV)
- List Task Lists (M.-Lev.) – Relships (OIRW)
- List Task Lists (M.-Lv) – Components (OIRX)
- List Task Lists (M.-Lv) – Maint.Pkg. (OIRZ)
- Notif. List (Multi-Level) – Task (OIXU)
- Maintain Task List Usage (OIZD)
- Std. Text for Task List/Order (CA10)
SAP PM Maintenance Task list Tables
Some of the important tables associated with Maintenance Task list in SAP.
- Task list types permitted for creating task lists by copying (TCA04)
- Task lists: Messages depending on the task list type (TCA10)
- Allocation of maintenance packages to task list operations (PLWP)
- Usage Filter for Task List Selection (TCLOI1)
- Status Filter for Task List Selection (TCLOI2)
- Usage Filter for Task List Selection (TCLOI1)
- Status Filter for Task List Selection (TCLOI2)
- CU: Example Action-Task List Operation Mapping Table (/CUM/ACTIONM)
- OCI Interface: Control Parameter Task List (IOCI_ORGU_TL)
- Task list – selection of operations/activities (PLAS)
- Task list – production resources/tools (PLFH)
- Task list – sequences (PLFL)
- Task list – header (PLKO)
- Task list: main header (PLKZ)
- Task list – operation/activity (PLPO)
- Relationships between task list types and material types (T409)
- Task list usage (T411)
- Language-dependent texts for T411: Task list usages (T411T)
- Task list status (T412)
- Language-dependent texts for T412: Task list status (T412T)
- Task list types (TCA01)
- SAP Table for Task List Types (TCA01A)
- Task List Types (TCA01B)
- Language-dependent texts for TCA01: Task list types (TCA02)
- Customer Table for Task List Types (Language Dependent) (TCA03)
- Task list applications (TCA09)
- Language-dependent table for TCA09: Task list applications (TCA09T)
- Task list type table: SAP area (TCA34)
- Language-dependent table for TCA09: Task list applications (TCA9T)
- RFC Task List (RFCLIST)
- Plant Maintenance Object List (OBJK)
- Plant Maintenance Object List (SERBL)
- Plant Maintenance Object List (OBJK)
- Plant Maintenance Object List (SERBL)
- B2E [PDM] Reconciliation Task (CERCLN)
- Assigment of buttons to device type: Device, task assignment (TWIC1321B)
- Assigment of buttons to device type: Device, task, buttons (TWIC1321C)
- Assigment of buttons to device type: Device, task, buttons (TWIC1321CT)
- B2E [PDM] Reconciliation Task (CERCLN)
- Assigment of buttons to device type: Device, task assignment (TWIC1321B)
- Assigment of buttons to device type: Device, task, buttons (TWIC1321C)
- Assigment of buttons to device type: Device, task, buttons (TWIC1321CT)
- Allocation of task lists to pieces of equipment (EAPL)
- Allocation of task lists to functional locations (TAPL)
- Mapping of R/3 task (/MRSS/C_MAPTASK)
- Assignment of Task Lists to Materials (MAPL)
- Log collector for task lists (PLPR)
- Key for use of the work center in the task lists (TC23)
- Add.criteria for controlng. of screen sequence in task lists (TCA31)
- Verification / input facility in task lists (TCA33)
SAP Maintenance Task list Function Modules
Here is some function modules used for Maintenance Task list in SAP PM Module.
- EXIT_SAPLQPAA_005 : Additional Testing for Error List: Inspection Characteristic in Task List
- EAM_TASKLIST_GET_DETAIL : Read API for task list
- EAM_TASKLIST_CREATE : Create API for task list
- EAM_TASKLIST_CHANGE : Change API for task list
- EXIT_SAPLQPAP_002 : Customer Function for Task List Selection
- EXIT_SAPLQPAP_001 : Customer Exit After Reading Task List
- EXIT_SAPLQPAA_003 : Authorization Check for Characteristics in Task List
- EAMS_F4_TL_OP_PRT_MPOINT : Measurement point as PRT for task list operation
- ICLE_ACTCONTR_SET_DISPLAY : Sets Display Status of Task List
- ICLE_ACTCONTR_SET_VALIDITY : Sets Validity of Data of Task List
- EAMS_ESH_F4_TASKLIST_HELP_EXIT : Function Module for Task List Search Help Exit (F4)
- EHFND_SHLP_EXIT_SM_TL : Search Help Exit for Safety Measure Task List
- EAMVE_TL_OP_SPC : Spare Part Processing for Task List Operation
- HEADER_MODIFY_TEXTLINE : Update inline line of the task list header
- EXIT_RIPLKO10_001 : A&D: Customer-Function-Task List-Search Help-Report
- EXIT_SAPLCPCL_TSK_001 : Customer authorization check for the task list headers (EWB)
- GET_CCMS_SINGLEJOB_STATUS_MSS : MS SQL server function to get the list of SAP CCMS planned task
- GET_CCMS_JOB_MSQ : MS SQL server function to get the list of SAP CCMS planned task
- INFO_SICHERN_S039 : Save task list vvlaues info.structure S039
- EXIT_SAPLCOIH_021 : PM: Automatic Task List Transfer when Order Generated from Notification
- EHFND_SHLP_EXIT_SM_TL_TYPE : Search Help Exit for Safety Measure Task List Type
- EXIT_SAPLIPM5_001 : Planned Date for Task List Counter Reading (Individual Forecast)
- EXIT_SAPLCOIH_020 : PM Order: Automatic Inclusion of Task List Using IW31, IW34, IW36
- ISM_MASS_OBJECT_CALL : IS-M: Display Media Product Master from Results List for Mass Maintenance
- EXIT_SAPLWSO1_003 : User Exit for Controling List. Conditions in Integrated Artl. Maintenance
- EXIT_SAPLQPL1_001 : Predefine Selection Parameters for Task List Selection from Inspection Lot
- FM_CO_ASS_INPUT_APPEND_OV : Assignment: Maintenance dialog (maintenance order); Add acct assignments
- FM_CO_ASS_INPUT_MAINTAIN_PM : Assignment: Maintenance dialog (maintenance order)
- EXIT_SAPLIPW0_003 : Object Permissible for Contract (Maintenance of Maintenance Contract)
- ECP_VENDOR_MATNR_DATA : Fill Material Number List from Source List for Portal
- EXIT_ROGSMPDL_006 : OGV90006 – Modify list of orders (ivbapak) for order due list
- EXIT_SAPLOGSL_006 : OGM10007 – Modify list of orders (ivbakap) for order due list
- GRRM_RFC_RISK_CLUSTER_BULK_UPD : Assign list of Risks into list of Risk Clusters
- ISM_SD_GR_LIST_MATBEL : Goods Receipt List: List of Material Documents
- GLE_ECS_1350 : End of Task Processing
- GCFB_TASK_RUNNER : GBC: Execute Task (Portal)
- EHFND_TASKID_EXIT : Search help exit Task-ID
- GRPC_TASKPLAN_CE_ASSESSSMENT : Plan task: Self Assessment
- GRPC_API_GET_TASK_FROM_ROLE : Obsolete: get task from role
- ICLH_ICL_EVENT_DINP2_ACT_INV_R : DI for Invoice Reassignment: Set Task As “Done”
- ESH_FED_EXECUTE_TASK : Execute a search task
- GRFN_TASKPLAN_DELETE : Task plan delete
- ICLH_ICL_EVENT_DINP2_REPREIMB : Direct Input: Set Task as “Done”
- GRFN_TASKPLAN_UPDATE : Task plan update
See the list of Business Application programming Interface associated with Maintenance Task list in SAP.
- BAPI_PO_GET_LIST ( BAPI Function Module ) : BAPI PO GET LIST function module introduction & syntax details
- BAPI_QUALIDIRECTORY_LIST_UP ( BAPI Function Module ) : BAPI QUALIDIRECTORY LIST UP function module introduction & syntax details
- BAPI_ECMORD_GET_LIST ( BAPI Function Module) : BAPI ECMORD GET LIST function module introduction & syntax details
- BAPI_SRM_DOC_GET_VERSION_LIST ( BAPI Function Module ) : BAPI SRM DOC GET VERSION LIST function module introduction & syntax details
- BAPI_0050_GET_LIST | BAPI Function Module : BAPI 0050 GET LIST function module introduction & syntax details
- BAPI_0036_GET_LIST ( BAPI Function Module ) : BAPI 0036 GET LIST function module introduction & syntax details
- BAPI_QUALIDIRECTORY_LIST ( BAPI Function Module ) : BAPI QUALIDIRECTORY LIST function module introduction & syntax details