As we know the word meaning of maintenance plan, in SAP also it gives out the same meaning. Planning of maintenance in order to prevent equipment failure or manufacturing failure. To ensure the smooth running of the technical objects, proper maintenance planning needs to be executed. In this tutorial , you will get an idea about SAP PM maintenance plan tables, transaction codes & function modules.
The SAP maintenance planning can include:
- Inspection
- Precautionary Conservation
- Timely Repairs

These can be scheduled prior along with the scope of work. An effective maintenance planning helps to prevent all breakdowns and there by prevent any environmental hazard as a result of equipment breakdown.
SAP Maintenance plan Transaction Codes
Important transaction codes dealing with Maintenance plan in SAP PM module.
- Maintenance Plan Costing (S_ALR_87013426)
- Maintenance Plan Costing (S_ALR_87014390)
- Create Maintenance Plan (IP01)
- Change Maintenance Plan (IP02)
- Display Maintenance Plan (IP03)
- Schedule Maintenance Plan (IP10)
- Change Maintenance Plan (IP15)
- Display Maintenance Plan (IP16)
- Maintenance plan number assignment (IP20)
- Maintenance Plan Cost Display (IP31)
- Maintenance Plan Default Order Type (OIVA)
- Maintenance Plan No. Ranges (OIVN)
- Maintenance plan list (OIWW)
- Plan/Plan/Actual:Versions,PrCtrGrp (S_ALR_87009691)
- Plan/Plan/Actual:Versions,Profit Ctr (S_ALR_87009692)
- Overall Plan/Annual Plan in Program (S_ALR_87012808)
- Overall Plan/Annual Plan from Req. (S_ALR_87012837)
- Overall Plan/Annual Plan from Req. (S_ALR_87012945)
- Plan/Plan/Actual:Versions,Profit Ctr (S_ALR_87013329)
- Plan/Plan/Actual:Versions,PrCtrGrp (S_ALR_87013330)
- PrCtr Group: Plan/Plan Comparison (S_ALR_87013943)
- Overall Plan/Annual Plan in Program (S_ALR_87013961)
- Copy WBS Plan to Plan (Collective) (CJ9B)
- Copy WBS Plan to Plan (Indiv.) (CJ9BS)
- Plan/Actual/Cmmt/Rem.Plan/Assigned (S_ALR_87013533)
- Plan 1/Plan 2/Actual/Commitments (S_ALR_87013534)
- Queue Maintenance Transaction (SM38)
- MDT Scenario Maintenance (OOMWB1)
- Authorization Profile Maintenance (OOPR)
- Number Range Maintenance: HRPERSON (PA0A)
- Number Range Maintenance: HRSOBJECT (PF05)
- General Task Maintenance (PFTC)
- Task Maintenance -> Dummy Screen (PFTC_STR)
- Graphical Structure Maintenance (PGOM)
- Number Range Maintenance: HRADATA (PP06)
- Detail Maintenance Planning ITs (PPDM)
- Individual Infotype Maintenance (PSO4)
- LEI Linkage Maintenance (SLEI_EVT_LINKAGE)
- Number Range Maintenance: FORMABSENC (SWUN)
- Content Settings Maintenance (RSA0)
- Profile Parameter Maintenance (RZ11)
- Maintenance Dialog for CCMSYSAS (SCSM)
- TXCOM Maintenance (SM54)
- THOST Maintenance (SM55)
- Maintenance of DPTIMETAB (SM5B)
- Maintenance Object Attributes (SOBJ)
- Maintenance Object Attributes (SOBT)
- TMS IACOR Destination Maintenance (TMS_IACOR_EDIT)
- TMS IACOR Destination Maintenance (TMS_IACOR_SHOW)
- Customizing maint. obj. maintenance (S_CUS_ACTIVITY)
SAP Maintenance plan Tables
Some of the important tables associated with Maintenance plan in SAP PM.
- Maintenance plan history (MHIS)
- Maintenance plan (MPLA)
- Maintenance Plan Sort Field (T399G)
- Descriptions for Maintenance Plan Sort Fields (T399G_T)
- Maintenance Plan Category Parameter (T399W)
- Plan version: Estimated costs for maintenance orders (PMCO3)
- Retail Planning: Add-Ons to the LIS Plan Version (TWISPC_VRSIO)
- Retail Planning: Texts for Add-Ons to LIS Plan Versions (TWISPC_VRSIOT)
- Retail Planning: Assign. Planning Layouts to Plan Steps (TWISPC_ZPSPL)
- Markdown Planning – markdown plan, short text (TMFAT)
- Description of a markdown plan (WMFHT)
- Single plan items for reconciliation ledger (COFIP)
- Revaluation percentages (plan) (T823P)
- Revaluation percentages (plan) (T823Z)
- Control Parameter Plan Reconciliation / Target=Actual IAA (TKA13)
- Derivation rule:commodity risk plan exposure (K9REC38000057)
- Admin.table for transferring plan data from CO-PA to SOP (TKEPE)
- CO-PA Plan structures (TKEPS)
- Plan Structure Attributes (TKEPSA)
- CO-PA Plan structure (TKEPSS)
- CO-PA Plan Structure Text Table (TKEPST)
- CO-PA: Plan Structure Status Management (TKEPSV)
- Risk Distribution Plan: Profile text table (L2TC_RDP_PROF_T)
- Risk Distribution Plan: Profile table (L2TC_RDP_PROFILE)
- Risk Distribution Plan: Header (LOGTRM_RDP_HDR)
- Risk Distribution Plan: Item (LOGTRM_RDP_ITM)
- Retail Planning: Add-Ons to the LIS Plan Version (TWISPC_VRSIO)
- Retail Planning: Texts for Add-Ons to LIS Plan Versions (TWISPC_VRSIOT)
- Retail Planning: Assign. Planning Layouts to Plan Steps (TWISPC_ZPSPL)
- Markdown Planning – markdown plan, short text (TMFAT)
- Description of a markdown plan (WMFHT)
- Purchasing Contract Commitment Plan Account Assignment Data (EKCPA)
- Purchasing Contract Commitment Plan Header Information (EKCPH)
- Purchasing Contract Commitment Plan Item Information (EKCPI)
- Routing: Context Table for Plan Header (CPC_CMX_DB_R_COR)
- Verification: Hier.Ctg./Hier.Form/Plan.Object/GSTRU (SOP) (P445H)
- Constr.Progr. Report/Plan Data: Definition of Cost Elements (/SAPPCE/TPNV01)
- Constr.Progress Report/Plan Data: Controlling Consolidation (/SAPPCE/TPNV15)
- Inspection plan characteristics (PLMK)
- MAPL-Dependent Charac. Specifications (Inspection Plan) (PLMW)
- Mapping Table Between Inspection Plan and EHS Specification (QMIPD_SPECIP_MAT)
- Status of Synchr. Between Inspection Plan and Specification (QMIPD_SPECMATLOG)
- Customizing Table for Control-Plan Type (QPCPC_PLANTYPE)
- Text Table for Control-Plan Type (QPCPC_PLANTYPET)
- Control Plan – Header (QPCPD_CPLAN)
- Item of Control Plan (QPCPD_ITEM)
- Control Plan – Links to FMEA,.. (QPCPD_LINK)
- Short Text for Elements in Control Plan (QPCPD_TEXT)
- Mapping Table Order No. <-> APO-GUID (Plan/Prod. Orders) (CIFORDMAP)

SAP Maintenance plan Function Modules
Here is some function modules used for Maintenance plan in SAP.
- EXIT_SAPLIWP3_002 : Maintenance Plan: User Fields from Screen; PAI
- EXIT_SAPLIWP3_001 : Maintenance Plan: User Fields for Screen; PBO
- EXIT_SAPLIWOL_031 : User Fields Transferred from Maintenance Plan to Notification
- EXIT_SAPLIWP3_004 : Maintenance Plan/Item: Customer Checks at “SAVE”
- EXIT_SAPLCOIH_030 : Transfer User Fields from Maintenance Plan to Order
- EXIT_SAPMKPT4_010 : Customer Exit for Costs: Copy Plan->Plan/Actual->Plan
- EXIT_SAPMKPT4_020 : Customer Exit for Quantities: Copy Plan->Plan/Actual->Plan
- FM_CO_ASS_INPUT_APPEND_OV : Assignment: Maintenance dialog (maintenance order); Add acct assignments
- FM_CO_ASS_INPUT_MAINTAIN_PM : Assignment: Maintenance dialog (maintenance order)
- ISM_API_CQP_UPDATE_CQP_TO_SQP : Refresh Constant Qty Plan -> Sales Qty Plan (e.g. from Dialog JKSD07N)
- ISM_API_CQP_UPDATE_SQP_TO_CQP : Refresh Sales Qty Plan -> Constant Qty Plan (e.g. from Dialog JKSD07N)
- ISM_CQP_UPDATE_SQP_TO_CQP : Refresh Sales Qty Plan -> Constant Qty Plan (e.g. from Dialog JKSD07N)
- FTR_FST_DEAL_DATA_UPDATE : Update Module for Dividend Plan and Rollover Plan
- GRPC_RMPLANLOG_DELETE : Delete remediation plan processing logs for one plan
- HR_FBN_OFFER_ENDDA_COMPUTATION : Compute new endda for benefit plan (PC plan)
- ISM_SD_UPDATE_REP_SQP_TO_CQP : Update Sales Quantity Plan -> Constant Quantity Plan from Report
- ISM_SD_UPDATE_REP_CQP_TO_SQP : Update Constant Quantity Plan -> Sales Quantity Plan from Report
- EXIT_SAPLIPW0_003 : Object Permissible for Contract (Maintenance of Maintenance Contract)
- FKK_CLEAR_ACCOUNT : Account Maintenance
- ISH_NIRA_TAB_PAI : IS-H: PAI Processing of TAB IR Maintenance
- EAML_LRP_UI_DESCR_MULT : Maintenance of decriptions
- GRPC_MAINTAIN_SCHEDULER : Scheduler Maintenance
- FIPR_ATTRIBUTE_DIALOG : Attribute Maintenance
- EXIT_SAPLNVVN_001 : IS-H: Guarantor Maintenance Enhancement
- FMME_FMME_FMMEASURE_GET : Measure Master maintenance in BDT
- FMME_FMME_FMMEASURET_GET : Measure Master maintenance in BDT
- HELP_SWERK : PM Helpview for maintenance plant
- G_USAGE_VAR_IN_VAR_INSERT : Maintenance of Variable Usage
- GRPC_RULESET_DETAILCHECK : Rule Criteria Maintenance
- G_USAGE_VAR_IN_VAR_DELETE : Maintenance of Variable Usage
- GRPC_RULESET_RLCRVALUE : Rule Criteria Value Maintenance
- GRPC_TRANS_RULESET : Rule Parameter Maintenance
- ISP_ADDRESS_MAINTAIN_CHANGE : IS-M: Address Maintenance (Dialog Box)
- GMG_GMGT_GMGFUND_GET : Grant master maintenance in BDT
- GMG_GMGT_GMBDGTVALIDITY_GET : Grant master maintenance in BDT
- FINB_CONFIG_CHECK_ZDM : Check for Zero Downtime Maintenance
- GLOBAL_USAGE_SET : Maintenance of Set Variable Usage in a Set
- EDIT_STYLE : SAPscript: Style maintenance
- FTR_STAV_SET_STATUS : Dialog Maintenance: Status
- EDIT_FORM : SAPscript: Form maintenance
- EAML_LRP_ITM_XLS : Marker maintenance in Spreadsheet
- FIN_ISS_COA_DATA_GET : Get COA for account maintenance language
- GMG_GMGT_GMGRSPONSOREDOBJ_GET : Grant master maintenance in BDT
- GMG_GMGT_GMGRRESPONSIBLE_GET : Grant master maintenance in BDT
- GMG_GMGT_GMG_FIELDS_GET : Grant master maintenance in BDT
- HRIQAUDS_MAINTAIN_DLG : Subrequirements: Modal Maintenance