Outline agreements are the long term mutual agreements between client & vendor related to a purchase. It contains the details about purchasing items, price and other term & conditions. SAP Outline Agreements coming under mainly in MM (Material Management) & SD (Sales & Distribution) module. This SAP Outline Agreement tutorial contains the reference data about its menu path, tcodes, tables, table fields, function modules, SAP components,

Outline Agreement Menu path in SAP
Here is the possible menu path to access Outline Agreement menu in SAP.
Logistics – Materials Management – Purchasing – Outline Agreement –
Logistics – Materials Management – Foreign Trade/Customs – General Foreign Trade Processing – Environment – Purchase – Import – Purchasing – Outline Agreement –
Logistics – Sales and Distribution – Foreign Trade/Customs – General Foreign Trade Processing – Environment – Purchase – Import – Purchasing – Outline Agreement –
SAP Outline Agreement Tcodes
Here is a list of possible transaction codes dealing with Outline Agreement in SAP.
- Display Outline Agreement – ME33
- Create Outline Agreement – ME31
- Change Outline Agreement – ME32
- Outline Agreements by Agreement No. – ME3N
- Release Outline Agreement – ME35
- Assign Schema to Outline Agreement – OMQT
- Create Message: Outline Agreement – MN07
- Change Message: Outline Agreement – MN08
- Output Partner: Outline Agreement – OMTH
- Output Program: Outline Agreement – OMTC
- Display Message: Outline Agreement – MN09
- Outline Agreements per Project – ME3J
- Outline Agreements by Material – ME3M
- Outline Agreements per Vendor – ME3L
- Purchasing Reporting: Outline Agmts. – ME80R
- Outline Agreements by Material Group – ME3C
- Collective Agreement – CJL2
- C MM-PUR: Take-Back Agreement – OMQA
- Rebate Agreement Settlement – VB(7
- Rebate Agreement Settlement – VB(D
SAP Outline Agreement Tables
Here is a list of possible system tables storing Outline Agreement related data in SAP.
- Outline Agreement Item: Plant-Dependent – A068
- Outline Texts – FMGLD
- Additional Checks for Outline Agreements on Reorganization – T161Z
- Contract header conditions at outline level without plant – A215
- Termination and Cost details for Agreement/Agreement BP – CMS_CAG_TRMCST
- Agreement / Agreement Rule – /BEV3/CHRGVBVB
- Service agreement IS-R – TWSV
- Agreement Partner SD – /BEV3/CHBPART
- Agreement Currency – /BEV3/CHBWAER
- Agreement Transaction – /BEV3/CHBVORG
- Agreement Communication – /BEV3/CHBKOMTR
- Agreement Clearing – /BEV3/CHBVERRE
- Agreement Date – /BEV3/CHBTERMIN
- Agreement Collateral – /BEV3/CHBSICH
- Agreement Account – /BEV3/CHBKONT
- Agreement Performance – /BEV3/CHBLEIST
- Agreement Text – /BEV3/CHBPOST
- Agreement Allowance – /BEV3/CHBZUSCH
- Agreement Collateral – /BEV3/CHBSECURE
- Agreement Text – /BEV3/CHTBTEXT
Table Fields with Outline Agreement data
Here is a list of possible table fields which are may be used for storing Outline Agreement related data in SAP.
- TDLFIRSTIN – TDIC paragraph outline index of the 1st outline paragraph
- TDLNEXTIND – TDIC paragraph outline index of the next outline paragraph
- OICONTNR – Outline agreement: contract
- RFKTN – Reference outline agreement
- RFKTP – Reference outline agreement item
- CPVALUE_HEADER – Target value for outline agreement in document currency
- NOTKZ – Exclusion in Outline Agreement Item with Material Class
- ZWERT – Target value for outline agreement in document currency
- FEBEL – Fixed Outline Purchase Agreement Item
- .INCLUDE – IS-PAM: Include Customer Outline Agreement Indicator
- KONNR – Number of Outline Agreement
- KTPNR – Item Number of Outline Agreement
- ZWERT – Target value in outline agreement (in contract currency)
- SORWE – Special line: Outline agreement range of coverage
- MPCONTRACT – Maintenance plan created with ref. to outline agreement
- OPACTCN – Posting Activity for Outline Agreement
- OBJNRCN – Outline Agreement
- RVTNR – Outline Agreement Number
- PNETSTARTD – Outline start of collective network (date)
- PNETENDD – Outline finish of collective order (date)
Function Modules for Outline Agreement in SAP
Here is a list of possible function modules which may be used with Outline Agreement related processes in SAP.
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_CHANGE – Agreement: change
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_COMP_INFO – Agreement: Competitor info
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_COND_HIST – Agreement Condition change history#
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_COND_MAIN – Agreement: Condition maintenance
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_COND_READ – Agreement: Condition read
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_CONTACT – Agreement: Contact Info of the Manufacturer and Distributor
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_CREATE – Agreement: create
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_CUST_INFO – Agreement: Competitor info
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_DEF_CUST – Agreement: Default customizing
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_DETAIL – Agreement: get the positions
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_INIT – Agreement: init
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_STAT_ALL – Agreement: All allowed Status
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_STAT_CHAN – Agreement: change the status
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_STAT_NEXT – Agreement: Get the next status
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGREEMENT_TIMESTAMP – Agreement: get timestamp
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGR_CHANGE_WRAP – Agreement: create
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGR_COMP_INFO_WRAP – Agreement: Competitor info
- /SAPHT/DRM_AGR_CONDREC_CREATE – Agreement Condition Record Creation
Outline Agreement handling Components in SAP
Here is a list of possible components / sub modules which may be dealing with Outline Agreement related processes in SAP. List contains sub module name, then containing component and description.
- MM-PUR-GF-REL-OAG – HLA0001530 – Release of Outline Agreements
- SD-SLS-OA – HLA0006010 – Outline Agreements (Customer)
- MM-PUR-OA – HLA0006035 – Vendor Outline Agreements
- IS-HT-DRM-AM – /SAPHT/EGG1000012 – Agreement Management
- FS-CMS-MD-CAG – ALN0000074 – Collateral Agreement
- MM-PUR-OA-SCH – HLA0001538 – Scheduling Agreement
- SD-SLS-OA-SCH – HLA0001827 – Customer Scheduling Agreement
- PY-ES-SF-CA – HLA0008551 – Collective Agreement for Banks
- CA-GTF-GDP – ABA0000251 – Data Access in Agreement with German Tax Law