SAP Recruitment in PA (PA-RC) Component Details & Tutorials

SAP PA-RC sub module is an application component stands for Recruitment in PA. It is coming under the PA module (Personnel Management) of SAP HR. Here is a quick overview tutorial about its sub modules, transaction codes and tables for your training purpose.

SAP PA-RC module


Here is the list of sub components coming under the SAP Recruitment in PA application component with the package name they belong to.

  1. HLA0009716 → PA-RC → Recruitment
  2. HLA0006875 → PA-RC-AA → Applicant Administration
  3. HLA0006876 → PA-RC-AS → Applicant Selection
  4. HLA0006753 → PA-RC-WA → Workforce Requirements and Advertising

SAP PA-RC (Recruitment in PA) TABLES

Here is a list of sample 15 tables coming under PA-RC component. Full list will be available from the mentioned link after this list.

  1. PB4002 → Infotype 4002: Vacancy Assignment
  2. T751A → Applicant Status
  3. T750P → Text for action type
  4. PB0105 → HR Master Record: Infotype 0105 (Communications)
  5. PAPL → Applicant master data
  6. T750A → Vacancy published in advertisement
  7. PB4004 → Applicant Data Infotype 4004 (Status of Recurring Tasks)
  8. T750B → Advertisement
  9. PB0041 → HR Master Record: Infotype 0041
  10. T750I → Text for unsolicited application group
  11. PB4005 → Infotype 4005 (Applicant’s Personnel Number)
  12. PB0001 → HR Master Record: Infotype 0001 (Org. Assignment)
  13. PB0009 → HR Master Record: Infotype 0009 (Bank Details)
  14. T750R → Permitted document formats for internet applications
  15. PB4003 → Infotype 4003: Applicant Activities
  16. View full list of SAP PA-RC Tables with description

SAP PA-RC (Recruitment in PA) TCODES

See some sample transaction codes used with SAP PA-RC sub module. I have added Full list with details in another tutorial (see the link after this list).

  1. S_AHR_61010217 → IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUOH40OU45
  2. S_AHR_61010322 → IMG Activity: OHBXIAC002
  3. S_AHR_61010244 → IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUOH40OU73
  4. S_PH0_48000512 → Ad Hoc Query
  5. PBW4 → Assigned Applicants: OBSOLETE
  6. PB10 → Init.entry of applicant master data
  7. PBAL → Bulk processing
  8. S_AHR_61010349 → IMG Activity: OHBX1044
  9. PB50 → Display Applicant Activities
  10. S_AHR_61010315 → IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUOH40OU14
  11. S_AHR_61010394 → IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUOH40OU5C
  12. S_AHR_61010334 → IMG Activity: OHBX0002
  13. PBW5 → Assigned Applicants: OBSOLETE
  14. S_AHR_61010424 → IMG Activity: SIMG_CMMENUOH40OU3F
  15. P1B5 → Transfer opt. archive for applicant
  16. View full list of SAP PA-RC tcodes with details