SAP PA-CM sub module is an application component stands for Compensation Management in PA. It is coming under the PA module (Personnel Management) of SAP HR. Here is a quick overview tutorial about its sub modules, transaction codes and tables for your training purpose.
Here is the list of sub components coming under the SAP Compensation Management in PA application component with the package name they belong to.
- HLA0003852 → PA-CM → Compensation Management
- HLA0003851 → PA-CM-AD → Administration
- HLA0100339 → PA-CM-AD-AD → Adjustments
- AHR0000584 → PA-CM-AD-CS → Long-Term Incentives
- HLA0100338 → PA-CM-AD-EL → Eligibility
- HLA0100337 → PA-CM-AD-GL → Guidelines
- HLA0100336 → PA-CM-AD-PG → Compensation Packages
- HLA0009709 → PA-CM-CP → Personnel Cost Planning
- PH40000021 → PA-CM-JP → Job Pricing
- HLA0003853 → PA-CM-PL → Budgeting
- HLA0003854 → PA-CM-PSD → Pay Structure Design
- PH40000022 → PA-CM-SC → Pay Scale Changes
SAP PA-CM (Compensation Management in PA) TABLES
Here is a list of sample 15 tables coming under PA-CM component. Full list will be available from the mentioned link after this list.
- T71E0 → Guidelines
- T71C6 → Compensation Eligibility Group
- T71D5 → Employee Appraisal Rule
- HRP1015 → Infotype 1015 DB table
- HRP1050 → DB Table for Infotype 1050 (Job Evaluation Results)
- T71LY2 → Wage Types for Awards Payroll
- T71LV3 → Life event vesting
- HRP1051 → DB Table for Infotype 1051 (Survey Results)
- PB0396 → HR Master Record: Infotype 0396 (Expatriate Attributes)
- T71C6T → Compensation Eligibility Group Texts
- T71G0T → Text Table for Compensation Matrices
- T71TCS1 → TCS category
- T71C1 → Compensation Group
- T71GM → Methods for Matrix Dimensions
- T71TCS2T → TCS subcategory text
- View full list of SAP PA-CM Tables with description
SAP PA-CM (Compensation Management in PA) TCODES
See some sample transaction codes used with SAP PA-CM sub module. I have added Full list with details in another tutorial (see the link after this list).
- S_AHR_61001835 → IMG Activity: SIMG_OHCMP_3130
- HRCMP0043 → Pay Scale Reclassification by Hours
- PP23 → Reset Password
- PA97 → Compensation administration – matrix
- S_AHR_61001825 → IMG Activity: SIMG_OHCMP_120080
- S_PH0_48000509 → Ad Hoc Query
- S_AHR_61006949 → IMG Activity: SIMG_OHCMP_2530
- OOCK → Integ. Cost Plng & Cost Accounting
- HRCMP0072 → Workflow Custom. Award expiration
- HRCMP0061ESS → Exercising Employee Options
- S_AHR_61002070 → IMG Activity: SIMG_OHCMP_1600
- PP74 → Personnel Cost Planning
- S_AHR_61001874 → IMG Activity: SIMG_OHCMP_3610
- S_AHR_61006899 → IMG Aktivity: SIMG_OHCMP_120020
- S_AHR_61001911 → IMG Activity: SIMG_OHCMP_5150
- View full list of SAP PA-CM tcodes with details