SAP Hazardous Substance Management in EHS (EHS-HSM) Component Details & Tutorials

SAP EHS-HSM sub module is an application component stands for Hazardous Substance Management in EHS. It is coming under the EHS module (Environment, Health and Safety). Here is a quick overview tutorial about its sub modules, transaction codes and tables for your training purpose.

SAP EHS-HSM module


Here is the list of sub components coming under the SAP Hazardous Substance Management in EHS application component with the package name they belong to.

  1. ALN0000231 → EHS-HSM → Hazardous Substance Management
  2. AER0000022 → EHS-HSM-CHK → Hazardous Substance Checks
  3. AER0000021 → EHS-HSM-MD → Master Data
  4. AER0000023 → EHS-HSM-TLS → Tools

SAP EHS-HSM (Hazardous Substance Management in EHS) TABLES

Here is the list of standard SAP tables coming under EHS-HSM component.

  1. HSMC_021 → EHS: Customizing Priority of Validity Area per Cntry/Region
  2. HSMC_023 → EHS: Customizing Warehouse Nos with Country/Region Assignmt
  3. HSMC_025 → EHS: Assignment Source Object to Target Object
  4. HSMC_027 → EHS: Assignment Source Value to Target Value
  5. HSMC_100 → Check Schema
  6. HSMC_101 → Check Schema Descriptor
  7. HSMC_102 → Check Methods
  8. HSMC_103 → Check Methods Descriptor
  9. HSMC_104 → Check Schema/Check Method Assignment
  10. HSMC_105 → Check Schema/WM Objects Assignment
  11. HSMC_110 → Segregation Regulations
  12. HSMC_111 → Descriptions of Segregation Regulations
  13. HSMC_112 → Segregation Rules
  14. HSMC_113 → Responses for Segregation Rule Check

SAP EHS-HSM (Hazardous Substance Management in EHS) TCODES

See the list oftransaction codes used with SAP EHS-HSM sub module.

  1. HSMR04 → EHS: Activate Phrases
  2. HSMC01 → Activate Hazardous Substance Checks
  3. HSMR06 → EHS: Display Filling Log
  4. HSMR01 → EHS: Fill Hazardous Substance Master
  5. HSMR07 → EHS: Delete Filling Log
  6. HSMR05 → EHS: Generate Phrase Sets
  7. HSMR03 → EHS: Change Doc. Haz. Subs. Master
  8. HSMR02 → EHS: Distribute Haz. Subs. Master
  9. HSMD → EHS: Hazardous Substance