CCIHT_MPWA SAP table for – EHS: Assignment of Work Area to Measurement Project

Here we would like to draw your attention to CCIHT_MPWA table in SAP. As we know it is being mainly used with the SAP EHS-IHS (Industrial Hygiene and Safety in EHS) component which is coming under EHS module (Environment, Health and Safety). CCIHT_MPWA is a SAP standard transp table used for storing EHS: Assignment of Work Area to Measurement Project related data in SAP. It comes under the package CBIH.


Table CCIHT_MPWA technical data

Data storingEHS: Assignment of Work Area to Measurement Project
Sub ModuleEHS-IHS
Delivery ClassA – Application table (master and transaction data)
Table CategoryTRANSP


Here is the details of each fields in this SAP table. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in CCIHT_MPWA table.

  • .INCLUDE : EHS: Structure for key info of master data
    Its a key field.
  • MANDT : Client
    Its a key field. Its data type is CLNT (Character with length 3) with field length 3
  • RECN : Sequential Number of Data Record
    Its a key field. Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 20
  • ACTN : Sequential Number of the Change State
    Its a key field. Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 20
  • .INCLUDE : EHS: Structure for General Administration Information
  • VALFR : Valid-From Date
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • VALTO : Valid-To Date
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • AENNR : Change Number
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 12
  • DELFLG : Deletion Indicator
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • PARKFLG : Data Record Is Inactive
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • CRDAT : Created On
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • CRNAM : Created By
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 12
  • UPDDAT : Changed On
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • UPDNAM : Last Changed By
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 12
  • SRSID : Source of Data
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 10
  • OWNID : Data Provider
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 10
  • RECNROOT : Sequential Number of Data Record
    Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 20
  • RECNTWAH : Reference to Work Area
    Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 20
  • ACTNTWAH : Reference to Work Area
    Its data type is NUMC (Character String with Digits Only) with field length 20
  • MPWADATE : Date of Next Sampling for Work Area
    Its data type is DATS (Date (Date: YYYYMMDD)) with field length 8
  • MPWANOTE : Remarks on the Measurements for the Work Area
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 72
  • MPWANOTEFLG : Long Text
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • LIMEXCEEDFLG : Reference Value Exceeded
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • CLOSEDFLG : No Follow-On Measurements for Work Area
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1
  • REGISTERFLG : Log Sheet Released
    Its data type is CHAR (Character String) with field length 1