You can create and process a lot of sales processes through SAP CRM, including those that are related to sales order and sales quotations. Using sales quotations, for example, it is possible to have the business transactions mapped for the company, from the sales point of view.
The sales quotation has the relevance of its own. For example, you can use it to clearly specify the price with which you are going to order a particular product or specify the quantity of the ordered product. These quotations can also be ordered for making the customer request a particular type of service or product at a certain time.
In general, sales transactions have these things to offer to you in SAP CRM:
- Ability to process various orders via different communication channels, like the Interaction Center or the Internet.
- All the information you need pertaining to different phases of sales processes.
- Integration of all sales processes – from the time of contacting a customer to completing an order.
- Accurate and quick order entry automatically.
Features of Sales Quotation and Order Management
- Creation of sales transactions and post processing
You can use the Interaction Center, the SAP CRM Web Channel, or the CRM WebClient UI for creating sales transactions. You can also have all of these processed in the CRM WebClient UI as well. Even those transactions that have errors in them can be tracked down and saved for processing further.
- Trigger for further processing
Whenever a sales order containing errors is saved, the same gets referred to SAP ERP. All the logistic processes are carried out thereafter. For example, sales order delivery will take place there.
- Getting used to your business processes
When you have the transaction processes customized then it will offer you numerous settings to have the sales transaction adapted according to the business processes of your company. For example, you can enter in the details for a special transaction type while you are entering the details of the sales order in the Interaction Center and so on.
- Sales-specific functions
A number of different functions can be used in sales transactions. Some of these include product determination, the credit check, and the availability check. Besides this, you’ll have access to the special functions when you are dealing with sales orders and quotations.
Steps involved with quotations and managing orders
Following steps are involved in processing quotations and managing orders in a SAP CRM and ECC system:
- Quotation creation – A quotation that has to be provided to the customer can be created in the system. All concerned items are added in this quotation.
- Entering the product and configuration – In the next step, the products requested by the customer are entered. All the products included in the quotation can be configured.
- Availability check – All the products entered in the quotation are checked for the availability.
- Pricing and Value – For every product added in the quotation, the corresponding price and value needs to be entered.
- Dispatching the quotation – In the final step, the quotation thus prepared is sent to the customer.