SAP CO-OM sub module is an application component stands for Overhead Cost Controlling in CO. It is coming under the CO module (Controlling). Here is a quick overview tutorial about its sub modules, transaction codes and tables for your training purpose.
Here is the list of sub components coming under the SAP Overhead Cost Controlling in CO application component with the package name they belong to.
- HLA0009408 → CO-OM → Overhead Cost Controlling
- HLA0009441 → CO-OM-ABC → Activity-Based Costing
- HLA0001396 → CO-OM-ABC-MD → Master Data
- HLA0001397 → CO-OM-ABC-PL → Process Costs: Plan Postings
- HLA0001398 → CO-OM-ABC-PO → Process Costs: Actual Postings
- HLA0009403 → CO-OM-ACT → Activity Types
- HLA0009401 → CO-OM-CCA → Cost Center Accounting
- HLA0001392 → CO-OM-CCA-BU → Cost Center Budgeting
- HLA0001394 → CO-OM-CCA-CL → Period-End Closing
- HLA0001393 → CO-OM-CCA-CM → Commitments and Funds Commitments
- HLA0001389 → CO-OM-CCA-MD → Master Data
- HLA0001391 → CO-OM-CCA-PC → Planning Closing
- HLA0001390 → CO-OM-CCA-PL → Cost Center Planning
- HLA0001395 → CO-OM-CCA-SU → Cost Center Summarization
- HLA0009409 → CO-OM-CEL → Cost Element Accounting
- HLA0001386 → CO-OM-CEL-CE → Cost Elements
- HLA0001387 → CO-OM-CEL-RE → Reconciliation of Financial Accounting and Controlling
- HLA0009411 → CO-OM-IS → Information System, iViews
- HLA0001436 → CO-OM-IS-BP → Business Process Reports
- HLA0001434 → CO-OM-IS-CC → Cost Center Reports
- HLA0001433 → CO-OM-IS-CE → Cost Element Reports
- HLA0001435 → CO-OM-IS-IO → Internal Order Reports
- HLA0001437 → CO-OM-IS-US → User-Defined Reports
- HLA0009402 → CO-OM-OPA → Overhead Cost Orders
- HLA0001405 → CO-OM-OPA-BU → Order Budgeting
- HLA0001407 → CO-OM-OPA-CL → Periodic Order Closing
- HLA0100145 → CO-OM-OPA-CL-IC → Interest Calculation
- HLA0001409 → CO-OM-OPA-CL-OS → Overhead Rates
- HLA0001408 → CO-OM-OPA-CL-PT → Periodic Reposting
- HLA0001410 → CO-OM-OPA-CL-SE → Order Settlement
- HLA0001406 → CO-OM-OPA-CM → Commitments and Funds Commitments
- HLA0001399 → CO-OM-OPA-MD → Master Data
- HLA0001400 → CO-OM-OPA-PL → Order Planning
- HLA0001401 → CO-OM-OPA-PL-MA → Manual Order Planning
- HLA0001403 → CO-OM-OPA-PL-OS → Overhead Rates
- HLA0001402 → CO-OM-OPA-PL-PT → Periodic Transfers
- HLA0001404 → CO-OM-OPA-PL-SE → Order Settlement
- HLA0001411 → CO-OM-OPA-SU → Order Summarization
- HLA0001412 → CO-OM-PRO → Overhead Projects
- HLA0001426 → CO-OM-PRO-AC → Actual Costs
- HLA0001421 → CO-OM-PRO-BU → Project Budgeting
- HLA0001422 → CO-OM-PRO-BU-AL → Budget Allocation
- HLA0001425 → CO-OM-PRO-BU-AV → Availability Control
- HLA0001424 → CO-OM-PRO-BU-RE → Budget Release
- HLA0001423 → CO-OM-PRO-BU-UP → Budget Update
- HLA0001427 → CO-OM-PRO-CL → Periodic Project Closing
- HLA0001430 → CO-OM-PRO-CL-IN → Interest Calculation
- HLA0001429 → CO-OM-PRO-CL-OS → Overhead
- HLA0001428 → CO-OM-PRO-CL-PT → Periodic Reposting
- HLA0001431 → CO-OM-PRO-CL-SE → Project Settlement
- HLA0001432 → CO-OM-PRO-IS → Cost Information System
- HLA0001413 → CO-OM-PRO-MD → Master Data
- HLA0001415 → CO-OM-PRO-MD-MT → WBS Maintenance
- HLA0001414 → CO-OM-PRO-MD-ST → Standard WBS
- HLA0001416 → CO-OM-PRO-MD-TE → PS Text Management
- HLA0001417 → CO-OM-PRO-PL → Project Cost Planning
- HLA0001418 → CO-OM-PRO-PL-CP → Cost Planning in the WBS
- HLA0001420 → CO-OM-PRO-PL-OR → Orders for Projects
- HLA0001419 → CO-OM-PRO-PL-OS → Overhead
- HLA0001388 → CO-OM-STA → Statistical Key Figures
SAP CO-OM (Overhead Cost Controlling in CO) TABLES
Here is a list of sample 15 tables coming under CO-OM component. Full list will be available from the mentioned link after this list.
- COTPLPT → CO-OM-ABC: Texts for Items in Process Template
- COANZ → Index of Objects With Down Payments/Requests
- COTPLCOLUMNT → Template column default texts (if not in COTPLDEFCOLT)
- TKALV2 → Additional AAA Field Catalog Information
- TKSP1 → CUA control CO-CCA master data
- TKA50 → CO planner profile: entity table
- COEJL → CO Object: Line Items for Activity Types (by Fiscal Year)
- KCR_T_MAPPING → Mapping of Resource/Application to Link
- CBPL → CO-OM-ABC: Customizing Table, Process Category Defaults
- T811R → Allocation table for receiver assignments
- COSBD → CO Object: Total of variances/accruals, of which settled
- T811FLAGS → Allocations: Global Control Flags
- COSLD → CO Object: Activity Type Totals – of Which Settled
- COTPLFP → CO-OM-ABC: Formula Parameter Lists for Process Template
- COTPLDEFTC → Table Control Assignments: Fields
- View full list of SAP CO-OM Tables with description
SAP CO-OM (Overhead Cost Controlling in CO) TCODES
See some sample transaction codes used with SAP CO-OM sub module. I have added Full list with details in another tutorial (see the link after this list).
- KVA0 → Maintain Assignment Cost Ctr./KF
- CJO8 → Overhead COMM: Projects Ind.Pro.
- S_ALR_87005432 → IMG Activity: SIMG_ORKS_KZZ2
- KR02 → Change Summarization
- KSR3_ORI → Strategy Sequence – Ordtyp PM-Orders
- KPEU → Flexible Upload for Excel Planning
- CP01 → Create Business Process
- CPH3 → Display Business Process Group
- KSV6 → Actual Distribution: Overview
- KP84 → Delete Distribution Key
- S_ALR_87000521 → IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENU0KWMKP34
- OKO6 → Maintain Allocation Structure
- S_ALR_87004257 → IMG Activity: SIMG_CFMENUORK2OKB2
- RPAM → Info. Sys. Rec.Ldgr: Report Currency
- KALA → Activate Reconciliation Ledger
- View full list of SAP CO-OM tcodes with details