In this tutorial, we are going to learn what is SAP JCO and its use. This also includes which type of people use this, situation in which it is used, its installation, implementation, configuration training manuals and study materials.
SAP JCO introduction
The expansion of SAP JCO is SAP Java connector. SAP Java connector is an application library that can be additionally downloaded along with the SAP system for free. As the name suggests, it is used to integrate a java developed third party application which is on premise. SAP Java connector thus helps in sending a particular data to the SAP system or to extract a particular data from the SAP system. Hence the use of it is very much clear here. Precisely, it is the external connector developed in JAVA. That’s the ever short and best definition we can give for SAP Java connector.

For instance, in a Company X, there is SAP installed. According to the different situation and requirement, the Companies might be using different third party tools. Our Company X, is using an application that is developed in Java and this application requires the purchase order of the Company X. since this Company has SAP installed, it also has purchase entries in the system. Thus there arise the needs for double entries, which are both in Java tool and also SAP system. As we know we do use SAP system and other tools to minimize the work load and easy access but the above said situation calls in for double work. In order to overcome this, the Java tool need to get the real time purchase order in the Sap system. There comes the use of SAP Java connector. A programmer can install it and the entries in the SAP system can be transferred to the Java tool real time.
By the above example, the use of SAP Java connector, and its relevance and importance can be easily understood. Many additional add-on libraries are available along with the SAP Java connectors. Example is, SAP Java IDOC library, its short form is SAP JIDOCLIB. It is an application programming interface (API) and this library provides or in other words, its function is to send and receive the iDocs in SAP. Accordingly, many libraries are available to easily integrate third party software with SAP system functionalities.
Now moving on to installation; this SAP Java connector can be easily downloaded from the SAP website. The only requirement is that our system requires JDK or JRA, to run Java and a minimum free space of 250-300MB. The downloading and installing of Java connector doesn’t require much of our time.
So far we have seen, what SAP JCO is, its use, importance or relevance, implementation etc. For further knowledge on implementation and other training modules, please refer to the PDF files which are available in the SAP Official website.