PFTC_INS SAP tcode for – Create Tasks

Here we would like to draw your attention to PFTC_INS transaction code in SAP. As we know it is being used in the SAP BC-BMT (Business Management in Basis) component which is coming under BC module (BASIS).PFTC_INS is a transaction code used for Create Tasks in SAP.

SAP PFTC_INS transaction code

It comes under the package SP00.

SAP PFTC_INS menu path

See the possible menu paths to access the same report by avoiding entering the transaction code.
Path 1
Logistics → Logistics Execution → Master Data → Transportation → Shipment Costs → ALE Monitoring → Goto → ALE Development → IDoc → Inbound Processing → Business Workflow – Development → Tasks/Task Groups → Create Tasks

Path 2
Tools → ALE → ALE Development → IDoc → Inbound Processing → Business Workflow – Development → Tasks/Task Groups → Create Tasks

Path 3
Tools → Business Framework → BAPI Development → ALE Development → IDoc → Inbound Processing → Business Workflow – Development → Tasks/Task Groups → Create Tasks

Transaction PFTC_INS technical data table

PurposeCreate Tasks
SAP PackageSP00