Using solar power systems, you can cut down your electricity bills and can be a part of energy production for your country. If you have an existing inverter system installed in your home, you don’t need to purchase a new solar inverter. Instead of that you can convert and use your existing inverter and battery as part of solar power system.
Here are the main components required for a solar system for homes
Solar panels
Charge controller
Sample Connection diagram as following picture
Solar panels are fixing on a mounting structure on rooftop of house where getting enough sunlight exposure. Then using MC4 connectors and DC cables, panels are wired directly to charge controller. Charge controllers are available in various types like MPPT and PWM. Select MPPT charge controllers for higher output and efficiency. Hybrid charge controllers can charge the battery using both solar and main power. Solar charging will be prioritized that if there is no adequate solar power then only it will charge the battery using main power. Your existing inverter and battery will be connected to charge controller. You can easily understand that charge controller is the main part to convert your existing inverter to a new solar power system.
Solar panel sizing can be determined by the power usage. Here I am giving a sample and simple solar power system design for a normal home usage to power up 2-3 fans and 4-5 lights and 1 LED TV.
Solar panel: 250W – 1no
Charge controller: 12V, 20Amps, MPPT
Inverter: 600 – 900 VA
Battery:150AH Tubular, C10
The above mentioned solar system is capable for producing daily 1 – 1.5 units of electricity. If you don’t have any existing inverter, you can purchase a solar hybrid inverter which contains the functionality of a charge controller + inverter.
Now a day live webcasting of events like wedding, inaugurations, funerals etc are very much popular. Live video streaming provides the facility for view the event as live on internet from anywhere in the world. Now many companies and even small professionals like videographers providing live event webcasting services with nominal fees. Here is a quick note about how to start live webcasting services and what are the basic things you require.
A Laptop with internet is required to receive the video and send the live video to streaming server. There are some other devices available as “streaming box” which can use instead of laptop. But here I am telling “how to setup live streaming using laptop”.
TV tuner cards or external video capture cards. Normally events are covering using professional cameras. Our first requirement is that How to connect camera output to our computer or laptop. Here is the use of TV tuner or external video capture cards. TV tuner cards are less expensive and will be available in most of the computer hardware shops. It is the best option to start with less investment.
Live encoding software. We need to install software to process the video input and send to our streaming server.This software is basically called as Live encoding software. There are several softwares available like FMLE, Wirecast, Vidblaster etc. FMLE (Flash Media Live Encoder) is free to use and you can download from the Adobe website. In this software we need to mention some details like Our server rtmp url, stream name, Video bit rate, Sound bit rate etc. It’s all pretty easy to understand and you will be confident after your first attempt itself.
Live streaming Server. You need a streaming server which contains streaming software like Wowza. There are various options available for you to pick a streaming server.
YouTube: You can do live stream via YouTube. It is absolutely free and there is no investment required. But YouTube is really strict in usage of copyrighted materials like songs in your live stream. If they detected any issue like that, your stream will be stopped instantly. Still YouTube is the best pick for starters with less investment and knowledge. Livestream ,justintv are some other websites offering free live stream servers. But there will be some limitations for free accounts.
Paid streaming servers. Websites like and provides several types of paid accounts for live streaming service. They are charging on monthly basis and you can select the package as per your requirement.
Amazon EC2. You can do live streaming using Amazon EC2 instances of Wowza server. There you require a monthly charge of $5 (as per the current rate) for using Wowza server and additional charges for the bandwidth usage and instance running time. This method requires bit technical knowledge, because creating and starting and instance in Amazon EC2 will be hurdle for non-techy people.
Your own server. If you are planning for something big and ready to invest, you can create your own streaming server. For that you need to purchase a dedicated server with high end configuration and install Wowza like streaming software.
Your own website. You need to have a website to show the live webcasting for your customers. You can go for free blogs or register a domain name and host the website. There will be embedding codes of the live videos to paste in your website.
That’s all, by having these equipment and software you can start you own live event webcasting service in your city. Here are some more points to be noted.
The workflow of live streaming is like Camera -> TV tuner -> Laptop -> Encoding Software -> Streaming Server -> Your Website -> Viewers.
Video quality need to adjust as per the internet uploading speed getting
Video quality can be adjusted by bit rates, video size, frame rates etc.
Sound quality can be adjusted by bit rates and format
Always there will be an rtmp url and stream name you need to fill in encoding software to connect our streaming server.
Embedding codes will be available from the streaming server providers.
Video quality depends on the cable length.
You need to check the settings of TV tuner (select the correct input) to get the video input from camera in encoding software.
Always make sure the internet connection and its speed while you are doing live webcasting.
Wish you all the best for a successful Webcasting business in advance.
Simply having a wordpress blog and showing advertisements won’t earn anything for you. For that you need to get more visitors and page views. Visitors from search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo will be more beneficial for higher earnings. So for attaining higher traffic from search engines your site should be optimized for search engines. This is what is called as SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Large websites and corporates are normally consult with SEO companies or experts for optimize their website. But the fact is that, you can do it yourself by following some guidelines and practices.
When you build your blog, take care the following things
Fast loading server hosting (More CPU, More RAM) will boost your website loading speed. Website load time is an important factor for good positions in search engines like Google.
Select SEO friendly and fast loading template for your site. You need to check your template is responsive for mobile phones, loading fast and readable fonts.
Optimized url structure. In wordpress admin using permalinks you can change the url structure with postname instead of post id.It will look something like instaed of .
Use Plugins to boost page speed and SEO
There are several wordpress plugins available to increase your site speed and SEO. Here I am reffering only few of them. And always care not add a lot of unnecessary plugins.It will reduce the speed of the site.
Plugins for Speed boosting (use any one of the following)
wp super cache plugin
w3 total cache plugin
Plugins for Basic SEO (use any one of the following)
Yoast SEO
All in one SEO
Social Media Sharing & Engagement
User engagement and social media sharing is another factor for a better search engine position. For this , you need to complete the following things
Create a Facebook page for your blog
Create a twitter page for your blog
Create a Google Plus page for your blog
Create a linkedin page for your site
Add social media sharing buttons in your post & page templates ( you can do this manually or using some wordpress plugins like sharethis )
Add follow, like buttons for the official pages you created in twitter, Google+,facebook etc
When you post a new article on your blog, you need to take care the following things
Proper title: Title should contain the keywords that people going to use in search engines to find the topic. Also title shouldn’t overload with keywords and length. See the sample here
Good title: How to optimize wordpress site easily for better traffic in 10 steps
Bad title: Optimize wordpress site , SEO for wordpress site, how to get more traffic to wordpress site
Proper content: Content is the King and prime factor for a successful blog.You content should contain keywords (but never overloaded). Your content should be lengthy. Google hate low content pages. Try to add more values to your content by adding relevant pictures or videos etc. Never ever simply copy and paste the contents form other websites. It will punish your entire website rankings.
Share the newly created post on your social pages created in Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.
These are the basic things that every bloggers should follow for better search engine visibility and rankings for their blogs. Without traffic blogs are not going to earn anything. More traffic more income, in other way “Better SEO -> More Traffic -> More revenue”.
Apart from these steps and guidelines, there are many other things involved in SEO like link building, page authority, proper site architecture etc. I will explain about Advanced SEO tips for WordPress Blogs in another article.
I am again repeating the must do things for better traffic for your wordpress blog in short.
Use high speed hosting
Use only fast loading and responsive templates
Permalinks with postnames
Create social pages for website
Use plugin for content cache
Use plugin for wordpress SEO
Add social sharing buttons to your site
Always put proper title with keyword
Write lengthy, unique and high quality content.
Share the posts in your social media profiles and pages
Here we are learning about how to install WordPress manually using our hosting cpanel. In most of the cases there will options for installing wordpress using a single click from cpanel. But it depends on hosting companies and packages. Using the following steps you can do it manually in any hosting account. It is pretty easy to do and can complete within 5 minutes.
Login to your hosting cpanel
There you can see MySQL Databases icon ( see the following picture ). Click on that.
There you need to create a new database for your wordpress installation. Enter a name for your database and click on create database button.
After creating database, you need to create a MySQL user.Enter a user name , password and click on “Create a user” button.
After creating database and user, you should add user to the database.You can see the option “Add a user to a Database”. There you need to select user and Databse and click on “Add” button. Select full privileges for the user.
Now your Database side is ready. Its time to download WordPress installation files from their official website. Visit and download the installation zip file.
Go to your cpanel home page from the current MySQL Databases page. And check for the “File Manager” icon (Refer the following picture ). Click on the button.
Upload the downloaded wordpress installation zip file to the directory you need to host your site. Mostly it will be in your root folder itself. Upload and the extract the zip files there.
Make sure wordpress files are there now. You can see wp-admin , wp-content , wp-includes like folders and many other php files. Locate wp-config-sample.php file .Then select the file , right click and cilcik on edit button.
There you can see the code as below
define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘database_name_here’);
/** MySQL database username */
define(‘DB_USER’, ‘username_here’);
/** MySQL database password */
define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password_here’);
You should enter the created database name , user name and password there.
Rename the wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php
Enter the your website address in browser. There you need to enter some more basic data like admin user name , password, email address and website name.
That’s all, now you have completed the manual installation of wordpress successfully.
If you are planning to start a blogging website and generate additional income from it, these step by step instructions will be helpful for you. First believe me its absolutely easy for everyone to start their own blog. There is no technical, programming and previous experience needed to start a blog. Moreover it’s a true fact that you can make a lot of income from a pretty decent traffic website.
Here I am going to tell about starting a successful blogging site. There are no such things like free lunch, you need to work hard, spend 1-2 hours daily for your site and of course need patience. When your blog start getting more visitors that time you can say your blog site has successful. Normally it will take several months from the starting stage. It’s all depends on your dedications to your blog. Simply start a blog and leave it won’t help, you need to add more contents regularly.
5 basic things to think about before starting a blog
What can I do?
What topics I can write about.
Is it useful for others?
Are people searching for that in internet?
Do I need to start blog as free or spend a little money for that?
After this step, you should get a topic or mixed topics that you are going to write about in your blog. It’s the prime thing before starting a successful income generating blog.
Blogging platform, hosting and setup
If you decide to start a free blog, then the best choice is to go with It’s a Google product that anyone can start their own blog immediately (within 1 minute). If you decide to take it as bit more serious and invest a small amount, then the best choice is using wordpress blogging platform. It is simply the best. Here are the steps involved there.
First register a domain name. You should think carefully to get a good domain name that matching with your blog contents. Don’t make it more lengthy and complicated. Simple and easy to remember names will be the best.
Find a website hosting company to store your website. There are several hosting companies you can check with like Hostgator, bluehosting, Godaddy etc. Initially you need to take a simple hosting account as per your budget. Later as per the traffic and site growth you can change or switch the hosting packages.
It’s the time for installing wordpress. It is absolutely free. Most hosting companies have a facility for wordpress installation from the control panel. Otherwise you can install wordpress manually.
Setup wordpress properly with blog site address, title, permalinks and theme. Thousands of free wordpress themes available as free. You can search for it and find a theme that matches for your topic, interest. Don’t forget to select a fast loading and reputed theme.
Now your blogging website is ready. You can start the postings in your site. Arrange the posts using categories and tags if it required, that will make easy navigation for your website users.
Always do the below 10 things after setting up your blogging site
Create a facebook page for the website
Create Google plus page for the website
Create twitter page for the website
Write lengthy and quality contents.
Proper title with keywords ( the words which people using for searching the content )
Add appropriate images, videos with your contents if you can.
After publishing your post, share it in your facebook, google plus, twitter pages.
Add social buttons like facebook like, Google Plus with your posts ( you can use wordpress plugins for that )
Create an account in Google Webmasters Tools and add your website and sitemap there. ( It will help the faster indexing in Google )
Create an account in Google Analytics and get the tracking code. Paste the code in your website footer.php file. It will show the analytics (traffic details) of your website.
Now you have started your blog and start regular postings there. But for making it successful and start income generation, you need to follow the steps involved in following articles.
How to setup wordpress site efficiently and effectively.
Methods of getting more traffic ( visitors ) to wordpress blogs
VLC player is the most popular multimedia player used in desktops. Its is widely used for playing videos and music files. Even network streams can be played with this player. It also have wide range of format support. Here I am going to show about “How to use VLS player as a video cutter” and “How to take snapshots from video using VLC”.
Step 1 : Check Advanced Controls
Under the “View” menu on top, you can see a menu named “Advanced Controls”. Click on that. See the screenshot.
Step 2 : Check the Advanced Control Buttons
Look at the below picture. Now you can see some additional button . That buttons are for recording & taking snapshots.
Step 3 : Recording ( Cut ) a portion of video
Select the first button showing as a red circle. At the time of first press, it will start recording. At the time of second press , it will stop the recording. All the contents between these two clicks are stored as video file in your system. By default it will store the recorded video file in “My Videos” folder.
Taking snapshots of video using VLC
In your advanced control buttons, Second button which showing as a small camera will take a snapshot from the current position of running video in your VLC player. By default it will store in “My pictures” folder.
Press the button when you want to take a snapshot. It will show the recorded picture on top after you press the button. Look at the below screenshot.
Other facts & Tips :
By default recorded ( Cut ) videos are stored as .mp4 format
You can adjust the speed of video from Playback -> speed menu. And can record in slow motion or faster one version.
You can also record from the network streams like rtmp live videos , Apple HTTP live streaming etc.
You can also adjust the brightness, contrast , color and other settings for your new recorded video in VLC.
Now most of the people are regularly using Facebook & Google as part of their life. Searching in google & sharing with Facebook friends are something like an unavoidable thing in a daily life. Recently some of my friends asked me about how these websites making money & how they are running.
Here I am going to explain about that.
It simple bot these websites making money mainly from advertisements ( selling ad slots ).
Google money making method :
When you searching o google, you can notice that there will be sponsored ads on top and side bar of the search result. The same ads can be viewed in several websites which are using google adsense code. Advertisers are using google adwords product to place their advertisement in google search and their associated website.
If you are an owner of a website or a business , you can promote your business by using these program. For every click on your advertisement Google will charge from the advertiser. This is the income part of Google. There are thousands of advertisers with Google. And from the heavy traffic of Google search & YouTube & other associated websites they are making plenty of money.
In 2012 google made around $46,039 million income from advertising.
Facebook also using the same method as google. When you use Facebook, you may be notices several sponsored ads or pages or products on your right side bar. Those ads are provided by several advertisers and facebook getting money when you click on any of those advertisement.
Here is a sample income statement of Facebook from their official website
YouTube is the second largest search engine in terms of traffic, just behind the search engine Google. It is the most popular video sharing portal now. Here I am going to tell about “how to make money from YouTube”.
First you need to create an account in YouTube using your Gmail account.
You can create any number of channels under your single account
Put a nice & appropriate name for your YouTube channel.
Then its the time for thinking about your first video. It should be yours. Don’t copy from others and never use any copyrighted materials like songs, background music & video portions from others. Video can be any type like a tip, tutorial , your pet video etc. Even you can shoot your singing and can upload. Or prepare something in power-point and convert into video using any converter software.
Once you uploaded your video, wait for some days. If any copyright issue with your video, you will get notification from YouTube. If everything is OK, its the time for associate your YouTube account with your adsense account. If you don’t have any adsense account, you can create new one from YouTube itself.
Steps for linking ( creating ) adsense account with YouTube for making money from your YouTube channel
Step 1 : Click on “Channel Settings” menu on YouTube left side bar. There you can see an “Enable” button for Monetisation . Click on that
Step 2: View Monetisation setting. After pressing the enable button, your screen will look like as following picture. Click on the setting link as mentioned in the picture
Step 3 : Associate Adsense account. This is the step where most of the people unaware or missing. Without this step you wont get money .Click on the “associate an adsense account” under “How I will I get paid” topic. See the picture. When you click on the link, your screen will be like as following picture. Click on next button.
Step 5 : Select the email addressClick on button button with “yes” , if
your current email address has an adsense account or
You don’t have an adsense account and planning to take under this email account
Otherwise click on the second button “use a different or new google account”
Step 6 : Associate an adsense account or create new one. If you have any adsense account, you can click on the first button. Then it will prompt you to login in that account. After that , your YouTube account will be monetized under that adsense account.If you want to create anew adsense account under a new google account, just click on the second button saying “No, create a new Google account”.
Step 6 : Fill the data. Now you need to just fill the data with correct information.
If you don’t have any adsense account
You can apply for adsense account under your current email address in Step 5. Click on the first button saying “yes with your email “
Or you can create a new adsense account under a new email address in step 6. By clicking second button for creating new Google account”
wait for few days for an approval message from Google
If you have an adsense account
If you adsense account and current youtube account using the same email address. Click on the first button in step 5.
If your adsense account using another email address, click on the first button in step 6.
Your adsense account is instantly associated with your YouTube account.
Other things to note :
From the “Video manager” page, you can enable or disable monetisation for each videos
From the analytic section you can watch earning & traffic data for each videos and entire YouTube channel.
Never publish any copyrighted material from others.
Always put a proper title , description and tags for your videos to get more traffic.
Your earning will depends on the viewership of your videos.
Your earning will be added to your adsense account.
Money will be sent to your address every month as Cheque mode.
In some countries direct transfer to your bank account is enabled.
I hope after reading this tips & steps , it will be clear for you to “How to monetise a YouTube account”. If you still confused and have doubts, please write as comments here.