PHP mail() function is used for sending emails from your website.
Syntax of mail() function is :
- mail (to email , Subject of email , email message , header , additional parameters );
- Here First parameter will be the email address of the receiver
- Second parameter will be the Subject ( title ) of your email
- Third parameter will be the content of your email , you can use html tags and all for proper formatting
- Third parameter is the header of your email, it will contain all the properties and setting for that email , sender email address also should specify in header , we can also add reply to address , format of email etc in header. Using detailed header is a good practice .
Sample of a header
$header = “From: from@gmail.comrnContent-type: text/htmlrnReply-To:”;
In this header we have specified the from address, reply address and content type of the message.
Now look at a simple example of mail() function
<?php $from=""; $to=""; $subject="Test Mail"; $message="Hi ,<br />". "This is my test email for learning how to send email using PHP mail function <br />". "Thank You"; $headers = "From: $fromrnContent-type: text/html"; if(mail($to,$subject, $message, $headers)) { echo "MAIL SENT SUCCESSFULLY"; } else { echo "SOME ISSUE WITH MAIL SENDING in SERVER"; } ?>
In most of the cases we need to send email from a contact form in our website. Most of the business websites need this functionality , that their user can send and enquiry or messages by filling a contact form in their website.
Now look at a sample PHP program for sending email from a HTML contact form
Consider page contact.html contains the HTML contact form , and mail.php file contains the PHP scripts for sending email.
So contact.html will look like
<form method="post" action="mail.php" name="contact"><br /> Your name :<input type="text" name="username" /><br /> Email :<input type="text" name="useremail" /><br /> Message :<textarea cols="5" rows="5" name="message"></textarea><br /> <input type="submit" value="SEND EMAIL" name="submit" /><br /> </form>
When the user fills the data in form press SUBMIT button , the data is passed to the page mail.php where our mail(0 function is there . Now look at the code in mail.php
<?php $username=$_POST['username']; $from=$_POST['useremail']; $to=""; $subject="New Enquiry from ".$username; $message=$_POST['message']; $headers = "From: $fromrnContent-type: text/html"; if(mail($to,$subject, $message, $headers)) { echo "MAIL SENT SUCCESSFULLY"; } else { echo "SOME ISSUE WITH MAIL SENDING in SERVER"; } ?>
In this case, when a user submit the data an email will sent to “” with a subject like “New Enquiry from JOHN” and content which is typed by the user in form.
This is only a basic introduction tutorial about mail function in PHP. In our later posts we will learn to send attachments and other advanced headers along with email.